We all know Christmas is more than just gifts under our tree; it's a religious celebration as well as a time to gather with those closest to us and share the joy of the Holiday season. Many children around the globe do not ever get to know these experiences we ourselves look forward to year after year after year. So do you have a few minutes to make Christmas a reality for a child living in poverty? Pack a shoe box full of Christmas goodies to be delivered by Operation Christmas Child around the world. On a basic level it will provide children with a tangible gift but even more importantly it will let them know that somewhere out there someone is not only thinking of them, but including them in their Holiday celebration.
Could it be any easier to spread a little Christmas love? Nope! For packing instructions and gift goody ideas, click here. Keep in mind that it's the thought that counts and fun gifts can be inexpensive (Dollar stores are great fun!!).